... I plan to share my pictures with you using Flickr so you can check them out by just clicking on the link on the right side.
When I get around to it...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
The royal family has arrived

Well it's really just 5 members of my family, but it feels like it could have been the royal family with all the preparations and planning over the past few weeks. Getting 5 visitors is great, but when you've just moved into a house it requires some extra efforts to get everything ready in time... And Cliff has had some sort of pre-inlaws planning extravaganza so I had to tell him to remember it is NOT the royal family arriving. Anyway, we look forward to the company and showing off Manila and the Philippines. And best of all, come Wednesday we join them for 5 days in the paradise of Boracay. Now THAT will be nice!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ikke saa fristende aa flytte hjem til dette....
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
New member of the family

Ok, don't worry.... It's just a dog! I never ever thought I would actually get a dog but after one visit I was sold. We are getting one of these cuties next week and are already fighting over the name to give it. Give me some good ideas, I don't want my puppy's name to be Kim Yong-Il! Yes, hard to believe but that's one of the suggestions currently on the table! No, not mine and thankfully I have veto rights. Ok, here's the deal: whoever comes up with a name we'll actually use I'll treat to a night out when you come visit! I think that's excellent...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Camilla - Villa - Manila
We have a house!!!! Well, kind of - we can't move in until the end of the month because there was a really bad storm here last week that pretty much tore up all the trees in Manila by the root. There weren't that many trees here to begin with so it's a little sad.... And of course one tree decided to fall on one of the bedrooms of our yet-to-move-into house so we're homeless for a few more weeks. But that's OK, at least we know we'll be out of the hotel soon. And the house has plenty of room for visitors AND a swimming pool in the garden. Let me also mention 70 cent beers and the most beautiful beaches. Are you packing your bags yet....? Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the storm. Storm season is over - promise!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Pakistan - the land of men
I am in Pakistan for the first time. I arrived Friday night - two days ago - and can count the women I've seen on one hand. This is definitely the land of men! A very quick introduction to the challenges I will meet here since one of my assignments is to come up with a strategy for helping women participate more in our project activities and have a greater voice in decision-making. To do that, it would be helpful to actually to talk to some women so I hope I can find some...
Other than that, I haven't seen too much yet. Karachi is huge, crowded, and noisy and traffic rules don't exist (or they do, but of course everyone driving are men and we all know what that means....).
I just realized that the hotel gym is reserved for women from 10 to 4. Hmm, maybe I could see some women AND get excercise? I have a feeling I'll be pretty alone, but you never know. Good luck to me!
Other than that, I haven't seen too much yet. Karachi is huge, crowded, and noisy and traffic rules don't exist (or they do, but of course everyone driving are men and we all know what that means....).
I just realized that the hotel gym is reserved for women from 10 to 4. Hmm, maybe I could see some women AND get excercise? I have a feeling I'll be pretty alone, but you never know. Good luck to me!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Camilla in Manila
So now I live in Manila! Just arrived 10 days ago after a great break at home where the highlight (of course) was Bitten and Frode's beautiful wedding. And the bachelor party was pretty good too if I can say so myself... I'll update more and put some pictures later, just wanted everyone to know I'm still alive.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Relaxing weekend in Aceh

Finally some time to rest! We had a relaxing weekend in Aceh, going to the beach, visiting the grand mosque, and just doing nothing. A great change!! I'm posting some pictures so you can get a taste of our life here. To the left is me at the beach - lovely "bikini"huh? Unfortunately this is what we women have to wear at the beach, including in the water. It doesn't exactly make for the perfect beach experience but what can you do...
And above is when we filled our car with diesel instead of regular fuel... Not a good idea! Of course, the best way to fix the problem is to suck the diesel into your mouth and spit it into a bucket. Yes, it takes a while and doesn't make many safety precautions I'm sure.

And this is me at the grand mosque in Aceh. I'm sure you all love my jilbab (headscarf). Again, what can you do...?
Friday, July 14, 2006
Gratulerer med dagen Linda!!
Yes, I am still alive. Even if it's been forever since I posted anything on this blog. But today I have a very good reason to be back: It's Linda's birthday so I have to say Happy Birthday!! Always nice when another one hits 30.... I'm sorry I miss the party but am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to make up for it.
Other updates:
- there has been no more Aceh gay parties (at least not that I've been invited to)
- I have been working like an idiot, which is partly why I haven't posted anything here. 80 hour work weeks? I NEVER thought I would be one of those people!
- In a short, but nice, break from the 80 hour work weeks, Cliff and I went to Phuket for a long weekend. Admittedly I was a little sceptical to Phuket but we had a great time. We borrowed an apartment with private balcony and a pool, facing the beach. This was outside of the main tourist area, and season for that matter, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Rented a jeep and drove around, had a shower in a water fall which was amazing, ate really good thai food, got good massages and just enjoyed. We did go to Patong beach, which is the most touristy area ever but quickly got out of there: it was the standard package of drunk tourists, crazy and aggressive souvenir sellers and prostitutes. Oh well....
- If everything stays the same for two more weeks (never know..) I will be joining the ADB starting August and Manila will be my new home! So start booking the tickets people!
- And very importantly, I am coming home for 3 weeks starting August 3!!!!!!!!!!
Other updates:
- there has been no more Aceh gay parties (at least not that I've been invited to)
- I have been working like an idiot, which is partly why I haven't posted anything here. 80 hour work weeks? I NEVER thought I would be one of those people!
- In a short, but nice, break from the 80 hour work weeks, Cliff and I went to Phuket for a long weekend. Admittedly I was a little sceptical to Phuket but we had a great time. We borrowed an apartment with private balcony and a pool, facing the beach. This was outside of the main tourist area, and season for that matter, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Rented a jeep and drove around, had a shower in a water fall which was amazing, ate really good thai food, got good massages and just enjoyed. We did go to Patong beach, which is the most touristy area ever but quickly got out of there: it was the standard package of drunk tourists, crazy and aggressive souvenir sellers and prostitutes. Oh well....
- If everything stays the same for two more weeks (never know..) I will be joining the ADB starting August and Manila will be my new home! So start booking the tickets people!
- And very importantly, I am coming home for 3 weeks starting August 3!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A different Aceh experience...
This Saturday I was the "guest of honour"at a party hosted by Cliff's housemate Peter. In the delightful company of the Aceh gay community, I was the only female and only heterosexual person present (and in the end, the only one with a shirt on...). Let's just say the "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" guys completely paled in comparison with these party particpants. It was very clear that these guys hadn't been able to live out their sexuality for quite a while. Since Aceh is under Shariah law we are all pretty much living a covered up life so to speak - no skin showing, no alcohol, no public display of affection etc. Well, these guys made up for it big time on Saturday and the shirts were off within the first hour. I enjoyed the dancing, gossiping, and laughing for a while but decided to call it a night when it was clear that the guys were ready to engage in activities I wasn't really there for... So while I was safe and sound asleep behind a locked bedroom door, the garage apparently became the venue for all of them to live out whatever it was they had been supressing for a while (quite a lot, judging from what I was told the next day...). Definitely a very different Aceh experience! Sorry, I've been trying to put in some pictures, but my internet connection is too slow.
Today I am off to the field. We are going to the district of Aceh Utara, about 5 hours drive from Banda Aceh. We'll be field testing the village assessment we are hoping to implement in all Aceh villages (6,000 of them!) in the coming months. A logistical challenge - my patience as well as my organizational skills are being tested big time!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Off to Aceh
I am off to Aceh for a couple of weeks, starting tomorrow. One week in Banda Aceh first, then one week in the field to test the assessment we are (hopefully...) implementing there. Will try to post some pictures!
PS: By the way, Penang last weekend was wonderful. Lazy and very relaxing!
PS: By the way, Penang last weekend was wonderful. Lazy and very relaxing!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

We had a great weekend in Yogyakarta! Cliff came to visit and we went to see two amazing temples just outside the city, one is the Buddhist Borobudur, the other the Hindu Prambanan. They're both about 1200 years old and just so beautiful.
I have now finished my Bahasa lessons (for now anyway) and will now have to start practicing. Needless to say I am very far from fluent after just one week, but at least I'm at a level where I can communicate with taxi drivers and people in the office. My new vocabulary came in handy today when my taxi driver fell asleep on our way from the airport.... If it happens to you in Indonesia, just say "Tidak tidur, hati-hati!" (don't sleep, be careful...)
Saturday, May 20, 2006
They say that the sound of a baby crying has a special frequency so parents will have to attend to them very soon. However, here there is another sound that is keeping me from sleeping, studying, working, thinking, or pretty much do anything that involves my brain: mosques!! And they're EVERYWHERE and NEVER stop here. They look pretty though....
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Mount Merapi
Friday, May 12, 2006
I am now in Indonesia! So far so good - my only problem is I have no idea what people are saying to me. It became a little challenging when I got lost in a taxi, not knowing where I was going OR how to say it. So next week I am going to language training!
Right now I am in Banda Aceh, working on a damage assessment after the tsunami and conflict. Challenging! Especially since I don't know the language. Despite calling him Pocahontas until I realized his name is Ponhar, the driver here is helping me out. He's eiter the forgiving type or hasn't heard of Pocahontas (I suspect the latter...).
Another, not so good, development is that I currently have a very colourful foot in elephant size. I got a blister in the Solomon Islands that never healed and got really infected (that country really didn't do me very much good!!). So yesterday, when my shoe didn't fit me anymore, I figured it was time to check out the Aceh medical system. Fortunately there is a good UN doctor in place - who turned green when he saw my foot and pretty much said I was an idiot for not seeing him earlier... So now I am on two types of antibiotics and have to get really painful cleaning every day. Pretty stupid. As a gesture to all of you I will NOT post a picture...
Right now I am in Banda Aceh, working on a damage assessment after the tsunami and conflict. Challenging! Especially since I don't know the language. Despite calling him Pocahontas until I realized his name is Ponhar, the driver here is helping me out. He's eiter the forgiving type or hasn't heard of Pocahontas (I suspect the latter...).
Another, not so good, development is that I currently have a very colourful foot in elephant size. I got a blister in the Solomon Islands that never healed and got really infected (that country really didn't do me very much good!!). So yesterday, when my shoe didn't fit me anymore, I figured it was time to check out the Aceh medical system. Fortunately there is a good UN doctor in place - who turned green when he saw my foot and pretty much said I was an idiot for not seeing him earlier... So now I am on two types of antibiotics and have to get really painful cleaning every day. Pretty stupid. As a gesture to all of you I will NOT post a picture...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Solomon Islands sadness

It's difficult to explain the tragedy here in words so I was able to get hold of some pictures (not taken by me...). Parts of the city is burnt to the ground and millions of dollars are literally up in flames.
Good news is things are calming down and security is at least partly restored by the large number of Australian troops flown in. We still have a curfew but hope that will be lifted soon.
I was hoping to post more pictures but couldn't figure out how... Will try again later.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Solomon Islands!
I am now in the beautiful Solomon Islands!
I wish I could say I have been laying on the beach sipping colourful tropical drinkies, but I'm afraid that's very far from the truth. So far it's been lots of work and very little pleasure but I hope that will change next week when we go to some of the other islands (at least it'd be nice to combine the work with SOME pleasure!).
One thing that hits you in the face when you get here is that everything, especially communication, is crazy expensive. Making a phone call is ridiculous, my $20 phone card lasted me 2 minutes yesterday! A sim card is almost $100 so I'm not doing that (plus it never works anyway...) If all of this doesn't discourage you and you should still want to contact me here you might be able to do so by calling my hotel - Mendana hotel - at +677 20071.
I wish I could say I have been laying on the beach sipping colourful tropical drinkies, but I'm afraid that's very far from the truth. So far it's been lots of work and very little pleasure but I hope that will change next week when we go to some of the other islands (at least it'd be nice to combine the work with SOME pleasure!).
One thing that hits you in the face when you get here is that everything, especially communication, is crazy expensive. Making a phone call is ridiculous, my $20 phone card lasted me 2 minutes yesterday! A sim card is almost $100 so I'm not doing that (plus it never works anyway...) If all of this doesn't discourage you and you should still want to contact me here you might be able to do so by calling my hotel - Mendana hotel - at +677 20071.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I am officially a blogger!
Since I am not exactly good at keeping regular email contact with all my friends, I thought I'd give blogging a try! Hopefully I'll be better at this (and keep at it for more than a week..) and since I'll be traveling a lot I thought it would be a good way to keep all of you updated on what I'm doing and where I am + share pictures and stories! If I feel like it I might even post some of my deep (..?) reflections from time to time.
PS: I'm sure I'll have plenty of start-up isses since I'm not exactly technical so please bear with me...
PS: I'm sure I'll have plenty of start-up isses since I'm not exactly technical so please bear with me...
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