Ok, don't worry.... It's just a dog! I never ever thought I would actually get a dog but after one visit I was sold. We are getting one of these cuties next week and are already fighting over the name to give it. Give me some good ideas, I don't want my puppy's name to be Kim Yong-Il! Yes, hard to believe but that's one of the suggestions currently on the table! No, not mine and thankfully I have veto rights. Ok, here's the deal: whoever comes up with a name we'll actually use I'll treat to a night out when you come visit! I think that's excellent...
Forslag til navn:
Herr/Fru Lyng
fra Siv-Mari:
Trojan?? Jeg tror du er gal, vi vet jo alle hva slags oppforsel det navnet innebaerer....
Søte hunder.... Men hvor er alle bildene av deg og Cliff'en? Ingrid Katrine
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