Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New member of the family

Ok, don't worry.... It's just a dog! I never ever thought I would actually get a dog but after one visit I was sold. We are getting one of these cuties next week and are already fighting over the name to give it. Give me some good ideas, I don't want my puppy's name to be Kim Yong-Il! Yes, hard to believe but that's one of the suggestions currently on the table! No, not mine and thankfully I have veto rights. Ok, here's the deal: whoever comes up with a name we'll actually use I'll treat to a night out when you come visit! I think that's excellent...


Anonymous said...

Forslag til navn:
Herr/Fru Lyng

fra Siv-Mari:

Anonymous said...

Trojan?? Jeg tror du er gal, vi vet jo alle hva slags oppforsel det navnet innebaerer....

Anonymous said...

Søte hunder.... Men hvor er alle bildene av deg og Cliff'en? Ingrid Katrine