Finally some time to rest! We had a relaxing weekend in Aceh, going to the beach, visiting the grand mosque, and just doing nothing. A great change!! I'm posting some pictures so you can get a taste of our life here. To the left is me at the beach - lovely "bikini"huh? Unfortunately this is what we women have to wear at the beach, including in the water. It doesn't exactly make for the perfect beach experience but what can you do...
And above is when we filled our car with diesel instead of regular fuel... Not a good idea! Of course, the best way to fix the problem is to suck the diesel into your mouth and spit it into a bucket. Yes, it takes a while and doesn't make many safety precautions I'm sure.

And this is me at the grand mosque in Aceh. I'm sure you all love my jilbab (headscarf). Again, what can you do...?
Nå må jeg le.... Det "suge-bensin-ut-av-bilen"-bildet minner meg om en orkan i Miami i fjor da vi måtte ta bensin fra bilen for å kunne bruke generatoren til å få strøm... Min Mc.Gyver tappet derimot bensin fra undersiden av bilen så han slapp å suge! Bare et tips til neste gang.... Ingrid Katrine
Hihi! De indonesiske McGyverne fant og ut at det var lurest etter en stund (bensin er sikkert ikke saa godt...), men kunne ikke finne en boette som passet under bilen. Saa til slutt brukte de faktisk et oesekar under bilen som, siden vi jo nettopp hadde fylt tanken, tok sin tid siden de maatte toemme det saann ca 20 ganger. En fin lordagsettermiddag paa bensinstasjonen med andre ord...
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