Sunday, April 26, 2009

Are you a geek?

I am not -- at least I am a complete moron when it comes to computers so calling me one would be an offense to all the true geeks out there...

BUT, I can't help thinking that this t-shirt is kind of cool... It detects wireless signals and displays them on the t-shirt. Check it out here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Støtt Regine!

Jeg har skrevet om Regine flere ganger. Regine som er alvorlig kreftsyk og gitt opp av de norske legene.
Heldigvis har ikke Regine gitt opp enda! Og gjennom bloggen sin har hun skapt et fantastisk engasjement og det er mange mange mennesker der ute som støtter henne.

Det er nå opprettet en kleskolleksjon for å støtte Regine, en samling t-skjorter, topper, joggebukse og genser med kjempetøft design! Kolleksjonen er designet av Regine og hennes venninne. Forsiden av plaggene har et redigert bilde av Regine's øyne og baksiden er hennes motto: Face your Fear. Accept Your War. It is what it is. Dette er en non-profitt kampanje og alle pengene går til Regines fond. Løp og kjøp:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Pulitzer prices are out

I just get warm and fuzzy inside when I look at what these people have accomplished - in their writing, in their photos, in their art. It's amazing! I also get sad when I then go to read the Norwegian papers -- no debate, no quality feature stories, no SUBSTANCE! Mostly just gossip about the latest glamor girl and her baby, street violence and other tabloid news. Sad.

For my birthday this year (yes, it's TODAY!!) I wish for a Norwegian newspaper of New York Times caliber. Even if one of them could make it halfway there I would be so excited...

Congrats to all the Pulitzer price winners!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Do you know anything about AML/MDS?

AML = Acute Myeloid Leukemia
MDS = Myelodysplastic syndrome

17 year old Regine was diagnosed with AML/MDS in August 2008. She has had a bone marrow transplant but learned last week that she has relapsed. The doctors in Norway have now given her up and can only offer her life-extending chem0therapy. However, there may be options for a second transplant or other treatment abroad. Some patients with Regine's diagnosis and history have survived and fought the cancer through a second transplant. However, they will not do this in Norway so Regine, her family and thousands of people following her amazing blog are now looking for other options.

Do you know anything about AML/MDS? A good hospital, someone with a similar story, a doctor or expert? Please let me know through email or leave a comment here, or post a recommendation directly on Regine's blog.

A account has also been opened to collect money that will allow Regine to pursue treatment abroad. The account number is 3939.01.61107 (Sparebanken 1 Nordvest). Please make a donation.

Thank you -- hopefully we can make a difference to Regine!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kind Ambition

I have a tendency to stress... Lots of work, lots of things that needs to get done, not enough time to do it... Sounds familiar? Yoga has helped me deal with some of the stress and remind me that some times I just need time for ME. As I read the below article I realize it's way overdue that I get back to my regular practice - yoga 3 times a week makes me a better person!

Are you stressed? Read this article about healthy ambition, which requires us not to push ourselves so hard that we are incapable of having a balanced life, but not to take it too easy, either. What yoga can do, experts say, is help point the way toward healthy, balanced ambition, both for people with lots of drive and for people who feel they lack it.



Easter has come and gone again.... As last year, my family was here in the Philippines visiting, which is always lovely! Easter is of course a major holiday in this mainly Catholic country and the Philippines has become quite well-known for the very "real" reenactments of the Passion of the Christ. Yes, people actually do get crucified! Voluntarily... We actually went to see it "live" last year, and it was a very different and somewhat disturbing experience... Seeing it once is definitely enough, so we didn't go back this year but opted for a more quiet time in Manila

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The recession heats up....

romance novels! and Hershey's chocolate and condoms.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going....

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A Man on the Street

Photo: Camilo Jose Vergara (

My "name brother" Camilo José Vergara has taken these great photos of Martin Luther King Jr. murials. In America’s poorest ghettos, these images are popular subjects of public art and regularly appear on the walls of the liquor stores, auto-repair shops, fast-food restaurants, mom-and-pop stores and public housing projects of Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York and many other cities across the US. The majority are the work of amateur artists. Though Dr. King is usually front and center, he is often accompanied by other inspirational figures: Nelson Mandela, John Paul II, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, Pancho Villa. He is also often accompanied by his famous phrase, “I have a dream” – a reminder that in many of the communities where these murals exist, the gulf between hope and reality remains far too wide.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Jeg heier på Regine!

Vakre, tapre Regine har en av de flotteste bloggene jeg har kommet over. Hun skriver vakkert og tar fantastiske bilder. Dessverre har hun akkurat fått en forferdelig beskjed: kreften hun har kjempet mot så hardt har kommet tilbake. Regine setter nok stor pris på all støtte hun kan få nå. Les den vakre bloggen hennes og send henne en hilsen her.