Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!!

I hope 2007 will treat all of you wonderfully! I look forward to a new year that will not mean moving and changing jobs four times... Though I hope to continue traveling, both with work and even more by vacationing - trips to both Norway and the US guaranteed.

Other than that I'd like to: read more books, see more movies, train the dog to become more obedient, do some painting, get a tan, work out a little more (my goal was every day but after 3 days my poor body was in shock so I had to give it some time off..), learn more Russian, start writing a book, organize my pictures on the computer and perhaps even print some and frame them, update the music on my Ipod, stop smoking (again..), learn how to cook at least one dish other than omelette, drink more wine (you can never drink too much wine), maybe learn how to like olives because it looks like a really nice thing to like, start throwing away ugly things instead of saving them for stupid occasions that never happen, organize my office, and update the blog a little more often.

That's it. I guess I have enough things to do in 2007 too then. Wish me luck!


Hank said...

Wow that is great, Camilla. Good Luck with all that.

Anonymous said...

Gleder meg til å se den brunfargen.. Hi, hi.

Camilla said...

Hmprf, anonyme kommentarer om brunfargen min faller daarlig i smak. Dessverre kan jeg ikke utfordre deg til aa maale brunfarge siden jeg ikke vet hvem du er... Saa dumt!

Anonymous said...

Sikker på at du vil måle brunfarge med meg? Regner ikke med at jeg ser deg før til sommeren (etter at jeg har vært fire uker i Spania he, he).

Camilla said...

Det er urettferdig for da er det regntid her! Vi kan ta en maaling i april isteden, naar det er filippinsk sommer...?