Er litt sint naa. Leser i Aftenposten at partiet Norgespatriotene har samlet inn nok underskrifter til aa stille til valgliste til Stortinget. De trenger fortsatt godkjenning av fylkeskommunen i Vestfold, saa det er kanskje haap enda.. Men det er SKUMMELT at slike partier og meninger etter sigende blir mer og mer vanlige og at innvandringsdebatten forblir saa generaliserende og fiendtlig. Ja, jeg blir sint! Ta disse menneskene med paa en liten rundreise til noen av de stedene jeg jobber, kanskje de vil faa seg en oppvaakning hvis de vaager seg litt utenfor den komfortable lokale puben i Vestfold hvor alle ser like ut og mangfoldet ikke lenger lever... Arg!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Livestrong Challenge Cancer Video
If you had the chance, what would you say to cancer?
This is a moving and honest video.
Game on!!
This is a moving and honest video.
Game on!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jade Goody
Yes, I will admit that I occasionally read the Daily Mail... And I have been following the story of Jade Goody on an off - the British reality TV star who went very public and was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year. She died on Mother's day in the UK, only 27 years old and with two young sons.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Jeg leser Aftenposten med gru i dag. Albinoer i Tanzania og enkelte andre afrikanske land drepes av "heksedoktorer" slik at ben, hår og hud kan brukes til å lage lykkeamuletter av. "Den enes død, en annens brød" har vel sjelden vært mer tragisk korrekt. Akkurat nå føler jeg dessverre ikke det er så mye annet jeg kan gjøre enn å spre informasjonen - les mer her.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Face Bar, Jakarta
I was back in Jakarta for a few days last week and really enjoyed seeing old friends and catching up! We also made it to one of my favorite joints, Face Bar in Menteng. What a great combination of nice decor and ambience, great food - in addition to the bar it has 3 restaurants, Thai, Indian and Moroccan, and very good cocktails. Recommended for unwinding after a busy day working (as in my case), shopping or whatever else you may find yourself doing in Jakarta!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Something to think about...
“Worry is the darkroom where negatives develop.”
Most of us are worry warts in some way or another. When I came across this great saying I decided that TODAY I will try not to worry about anything and focus on the positive. So far so good..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I am grateful...
...that I am able to get good health care when I need it.
If I had been born in rural Laos, I might have to deliver a baby here:
And if I were sick, this could have been the bed I was given to rest in:
That is, if I was so lucky as to get any health care at all...
If I had been born in rural Laos, I might have to deliver a baby here:
And if I were sick, this could have been the bed I was given to rest in:
That is, if I was so lucky as to get any health care at all...
Friday, March 06, 2009
Barcino is one of our favorite after-work hang-outs. A bad day at work? Not much can beat great wine and tapas in a relaxed atmosphere with good friends. You can get take-out too, both wine and food! AND the wine you buy and drink in the bar is the same price as if you bought it for take-out. I love it! There have been some glitches here and there and it would be nice if the staff knew that gazpacho is served cold, red wine is not... Maybe an idea to put some more resources into staff training? (this is not Barcino specific but a general need for Philippines' restaurants and shops... service with a smile, yes, but the poor staff also need proper training so they know what they're doing and talking about...!). Anyone else with good restaurant or bar recommendations? Any tips in any country are welcome, please share!
Barcino is located on Julia Vargas Ave., Ortigas, near the golf course.
There is also a Fort Bonifacio branch, located on Rizal Drive.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Life without sex?!?
So, I am enjoying yoga more and more. I really like it as an exercise and also enjoy how it helps me stress down and live my life a little bit more on the calm side (some times...). The more I practice, the more I find myself reading about yoga, the different philosophies attached to it, and the spirituality of the practice. I subscribe to Yoga Journal's daily email updates and they're great.
Then I got today's email update and it's about the importance of celibacy in yoga practice. Yikes! Fortunately there are ways "out of it" and I certainly don't think the majority of yoga practitioners live in celibacy. It's an interesting article though, if you're interested in the topic you can read more here.
(And don't worry, it won't make you feel bad about any of your lifestyle choices...).
Then I got today's email update and it's about the importance of celibacy in yoga practice. Yikes! Fortunately there are ways "out of it" and I certainly don't think the majority of yoga practitioners live in celibacy. It's an interesting article though, if you're interested in the topic you can read more here.
(And don't worry, it won't make you feel bad about any of your lifestyle choices...).
Trist og urettferdig.....
Oppfordrer alle til å sende Anne Marie en hilsen, tror hun setter pris på det.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Fiiiin bil til salgs

Fin bil, lett å kjøre, bruker lite bensin.. i det hele tatt, den er perfekt og jeg selger den med tungt hjerte. Men siden jeg bor så langt unna har jeg omsider innsett at det meste fornuftige er å selge...
Se annonsen her.
God's eye
I just think this picture is fantastic... It's a dying star and ultraviolet rays are causing the beautiful colors.
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